Skin Soul & Self
Remote Balancing & Clearing
Remote Balancing,clearing and testing allow us to work on your energies remotely. Because everything is made up of energy everything can be balanced and cleared!
Rekindled Ancient Wisdom (RAW)
When our healing pathways are blocked, we experience imbalances emotionally, physically, mentally, spiritually or on any level of the Being.
RAW identifies programming that is blocking your self-healing mechanism and holding you back, then reprogrammes on Multiple dimensions allowing your systems to run more efficiently affecting all areas of your life and bringing you back into your own power
How does a Balance work?
You give me your “Issues” which can be past, present or future…Physical and/or energetic.
Using Quantum Kinesiology I access the 12 parts of the Being to give us your additional Issues and from there we proceed to Identify, Clear, Rebalance & Reprogramme all parts of your being.
What can you Balance?
- Current Primary & past relationships/partnerships
- Family dynamics
- Physical Body, Systems and Stress
- Business
- House, land car
- Personal Power & Fear
- Energies as One
- Draining Energies
- Future/Past Issues and dreams
The process may take anywhere from 60-120 minutes.
Your Soul/Higher Self allows the right time, depth and level that is right for you.
For any more questions please contact
Michelle 02102664745
RAW Packages
Balances remove layers of stuck or blocked energy, think of it kind of like an onion.
When you remove the skin of the onion, that’s the first initial layer. The second layer is the tough skin that can be hard, bumpy and a bit mouldy. Then you get to the juicy layer that really starts to make big shifts. This is why it’s our professional recommendation to do a three-balance pack (3 x RAW Balances) to make a really solid change in your life and cover all the issues that are presenting themselves, and presenting themselves thereafter.
In each Balance, you’re supported afterwards. If you feel like you’re not integrating the Balance I’ll happily do a Quick Balance to level you out (available 5 days after Balance), this is not common, but I’m here to support you through the process of change.
RAW Balance: $190
On site at Skin Soul & Self Healing Space
All your Issues including Highest priority for highest good and clear all blocks to self healing
House & Land Balance – Remote: $190
3 Pack – 3x RAW Balances: $520 (save $50)
At Skin Soul & Self Healing Space or Remote
To be used within 6 weeks
Family Package: $765
This package covers House, Land, 2 Raw Balances, 2 young adult/child Balances and a Quick Balance to cover all the bases and help the entire family shift together.
Energies of the house and land, past, present and future affect the people in the house.
Houses are their own entity and may be holding ancient vibrations, and traumas of those of the people that have been in the house.
All of the above affects the health, relationships, emotions and actions of the people living in the house.
Where there are family dynamics and issues it is important to clear and support the environment for all concerned.
2 RAW Balances $380
House & Land $190
One Child – Over 16 YOA $175
One Child – Under 16 YOA $75
Quick Balance $60
Total $880 – Package price $765 – Save $115
Via Remote Balancing we can also raise the energy above the effects of a certain issue or concept so you are not the effect of it:
- Remote balances, clearing and readings can be performed on people when they cannot be physically present.
Examples include People, Pets, houses, land, offices, business situations, physical conditions etc can also be tested and balanced remotely. - Anything that may be draining your energy or interfering with your personal power or core issues like family, work, and relationships.
Your past, present and future are all affected by energy, by clearing, aligning and rebalancing the energy we are able to function and create from a place of true alignment on all Levels.
You are your own healer, let me help you to remove all blocks and activate your innate healing intelligence and live your best life!
Whether it is your body, house, business, relationship past present or future we can access the information at a soul level and clear on multiple levels.
Quantum Reflex Analysis
Via a surrogate we are able to test the Nutritional Requirements of your Organs and Systems remotely (Consent as per Service agreement is required).

Emotional Repolarisation
Concepts to clear using your QCI Vial can be tested remotely.
Your past, present and future are all affected by energy, by clearing, aligning and rebalancing the energy we re able to function and create from a place of true alignment on all Levels.
You are your own healer, let me help you to remove all blocks and activate your innate healing intelligence and live your best life!
Wether its your body, house, business, relationship past present or future we can access the information at a soul level and clear on multiple levels.
Price: $190
Hands on or Remote Sessions available
Complimentary 15 Minute Consultation to assess the right for you
***There are many options incuding a 15 minute Balance which assists you in a crisis/grief situation and the emotional charge/energy is balanced for you.
*** Targeted Balances can be around a specific concept ie pain, learning, moving.
***We require verbal permission from the person or owner to perform any remote Clearing /Balancing.
***Children under 16 years of age require a parental consent.

~ Let the journey begin~
To your blueprint of Health, Healing & Happiness.
Get In Touch Today
021 0266 4745
407 Leigh Road
Tramcar Bay, Auckland