Welcome to Skin Soul & Self
In Beautiful Leigh, Auckland
Let us take you on a journey, introduced energetically, nurtured and nourished physically and affected soulfully.

Above is an ancient symbol of Alchemy which represents the whole being and the sum total of all its parts. We have incorporated this Symbol of wholeness to gift the frequency of the fifth element and awakening of our Multi Dimensional being.
A series of interlocking squares within a square, symbolizing our ability to cross from four to five aspects of our we all have the four aspects to our selves, fifth aspect is our true essence.
These are the elements we bring into the work with you and your energies on all levels and dimensions for the greatest outcome ever imagined!
Hi, I’m Michelle
Welcome to Skin Soul & Self
Michelle Kietzmann
Multi Dimensional Healer, Channel, QRA Specialist (Quantum Reflex Analysis) and RAW (Rekindled Ancient Wisdom) Kinesiology Consultant.
Health & Healing physically & energetically.

Don’t underestimate the power of your innate healing intelligence.
With alignment & connection to all parts of your being, you set the tone for healing.
Through my innate ability to tune in, channel and test I am able to Identify, Rebalance and Reprogramme the Body and the 12 parts of the being to activate the higher channels, the highest priority for the whole self and clear all blocks to Self-healing.
Whilst you may be experiencing a physical symptom that may present in an organ or system it may have originated in another aspect resulting in imbalances in related organs slowing down the functioning creating blockages and drains on other systems resulting in seemingly unrelated health/wellbeing concerns or conditions.
Similarly, emotions unresolved, stored or irritating have the same effect on the body as out-of-balance hormones resulting in imbalances and contributing to long-term diseases.
Other aspects such as the God Within, Inner Child & Soul may be affected by genetics, trauma, past or present and on Multiple Levels & Dimensions which predispose you to weakness or Imbalance.
Therefore ” Healing” needs to be approached holistically to determine the unseen causes in all the parts of the being so alignment is whole and your body’s innate ability to heal, regenerate and restore equilibrium is activated.
Skin Soul & Self
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~ Let the journey begin~
To your blueprint of Health, Healing & Happiness.
Get In Touch Today
021 0266 4745
407 Leigh Road
Tramcar Bay, Auckland